

“As CEO of MXOtech, I’ve made gender equality and diversity a priority in our hiring practices. MXOtech has nearly tripled in size over the past nine years and with our growth has come an imperative need for experienced IT talent. However, we just weren’t finding it. The pool of quality candidates was small, and finding women candidates was particularly difficult.

To solve the problem we partnered with Upwardly Global and have been able to bring talented, professional women to MXOtech that may not have otherwise applied for our positions. Sukanya and Sophia came to us from India, where women are often not encouraged to speak up or take on leadership roles. With a little additional support, both have quickly become strong, contributing members of the MXO team, while gaining new skills and advancing long-term careers in IT. At the same time, by continuing our relationship with UpGlo we have found a vehicle for securing and developing talent that is often hard to find.”

—Joanna Sobran, CEO

Photo: CEO Joanna Sobran (center) with UpGlo alumnae Sukanya (left) and Sophia (right)