Upwardly Global Reaches New Heights in 2022, Charts Path in 2023

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With Upwardly Global moving its operations into the new year, we are using this time to reflect on our 2022 programming and methodology in direct service and workforce development efforts for immigrants, refugees, and asylees.

Last year, Upwardly Global placed more job seekers in our direct service work than ever in our 22-year history. We also expanded our work with employers, as well as our connections with government agencies and other front-facing immigrant and refugee organizations through our Jobversity program.

Upwardly Global did high-impact training and individualized coaching with over 2,250 immigrants and refugees through our coaching and skills program and helped thousands more through our capacity building and direct online-learning supports. In 2022, our job seekers came from 113 countries.

Reflecting larger immigration trends, we continued to accept a steady stream of applicants from Afghanistan and have seen a steep increase in new job seekers from Ukraine, as well as growing numbers from Venezuela, Ethiopia and Nigeria.

As for the age of our program participants, over 50% of all job seekers are between 30 to 39 years old, with 20% a decade older and younger. On average, our job seekers had six years of professional experience in their respective fields. Notably, their professional backgrounds spanned high need areas: IT, healthcare, engineering, accounting/finance, and business.

Key Successes:

In supporting immigrants, refugees, and asylees:

  • Total number of participants across all Upwardly Global programs in 2022 (Upwardly Global Career Coaching, Jobversity capacity building, and direct online support): 6,500
  • Average annual starting salary for Upwardly Global tracked job seekers: $66,481
  • Total dollars contributed annually to the economy by our career coaching program alumni: $74 Million

In lifting up the voices of immigrant and refugee professionals

  • Nearly 10 million impressions on social media.
  • Over 100% increase in engagements.
  • Media hits on CNBC, MSNBC, and The Hill.
  • Launch of our brand new website, including a full catalog of meaningful alumni stories.

In expanding partnerships

  • Created new funding partnerships, innovating for both depth and scale.
  • Engaged with over 50 companies and hundreds of volunteers.

Moving forward in the new year, Upwardly Global is focused on key developments, including:

  • Technology for scale: How can new technology augment our work and support us in reaching more of the 2.3 million immigrant and refugee professionals in the U.S. who are unemployed and underemployed? In 2023, Upwardly Global aims to scale by integrating exciting, new learning pathways through technology and adding a job-matching feature to its tools using artificial intelligence to correct hiring biases that affect immigrant and refugee hiring.
  • Jobs in critical fields: As the labor market shifts, Upwardly Global will refocus to train our job seekers in matching the needs of emerging growth areas. For instance, in the past month, many of our tech hires landed positions within hospital networks and accounting firms rather than in major tech companies. We are also seeing increased hiring for small-sized and mid-sized companies rather than larger corporations.
  • Support for women of color: Upwardly Global will be deepening our efforts to support women of color in our program, in part through uplifting their stories and voices in national conversations.

We look forward to the year ahead and to our continued partnership. This will be a year of major strides and meaningful community.

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