Additional Resources for Employers
Employer Inclusion & Diversity – Market Research & Interview Summary
We lay out the business case for the inclusion of immigrant and refugee professionals into the workforce, unpack current diversity tracking metrics, explore best practices in diversity and inclusion broadly, take stock of learning from inclusion efforts of other underrepresented groups, and make the case that specific efforts need to be taken for immigrant and refugee professionals.
Immigrant and Refugee Job Seeker Journey Map
Follow the journey of an immigrant professional to understand their unique challenges and experience the ups & downs of their job search process and career progression
Corporate Challenges & Needs
Discover the challenges corporations face in the inclusion of immigrant and refugee professionals and what companies are asking for to better include this resilient talent pool.
Immigrant and Refugee Job Seeker COVID-19 Impacts
Learn about COVID-19’s impact on the immigrant and refugee professionals in Upwardly Global’s program.
Corporate COVID-19 Impacts
Read what we are hearing from corporations about the challenges and opportunities arising from COVID-19.
New York Design Thinking Session – Insights
Discover the top insights that arose from the New York Design Thinking Workshop conducted on April 7, 2020 — with leading NY-based companies. The areas of focus include: Creating an Inclusive Culture, Navigating Workforce Uncertainty Through an Inclusive Lens, and Inclusive Upskilling Opportunities
San Francisco Design Thinking Sessions – Insights
Discover the top insights that arose from the San Francisco Design Thinking Workshop conducted on April 24, 2020 — with leading CA-based companies. The areas of focus include: Creating an Inclusive Culture, Navigating Workforce Uncertainty Through an Inclusive Lens, and Inclusive Upskilling Opportunities
Media Mentions
Partner with Upwardly Global