Labor market data and career pathways shows a way forward

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Upwardly Global, working with pro-bono partners, conducted a regional labor market scan of job opportunities and trends in four metropolitan areas: New York, DMV, Chicago, and San Francisco. Our data reveals the availability of nearly 5.5 million mid- to high-skill job openings in essential industries – Healthcare, Engineering, IT, Finance & Accounting, and Logistics.

Over the last six months, Upwardly Global has built out career pathways to help our job seekers translate their skills into thriving wage jobs. Our five Career Communities aligned with these high demand industries offer additional support from volunteers who are industry experts and and peer-peer connection.

This is a major opportunity to catalyze an inclusive economic recovery by connecting underrepresented professionals with opportunity in these high demand industries. We are excited to share this analysis and the data with individuals who are interested, job seekers, employers, philanthropists and practicioners.

U.S. employers’ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in filling new roles will position us for a stronger short-term recovery and long-term economic vitality. Upwardly Global’s data-driven analysis presents a roadmap to opening opportunities for diverse groups of U.S. workers through innovative coaching, skilling and mentorship.

Read the full analysis. 

See the full data.


For more information on our free Career Skills program for immigrant and refugee professionals and how to apply to join, click here.

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