Upwardly Global Partners With Welcome.US To Support Afghan Resettlement Efforts in U.S.

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Grant funds will support career pathways for Afghan newcomers 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Upwardly Global is partnering with the Welcome Fund, a project of Welcome.US, in an effort to engage Americans in the resettlement of Afghan newcomers and will work with new Afghan arrivals to build the job-readiness, confidence, and cultural competencies needed to successfully navigate their first professional job search in the U.S.

Upwardly Global is part of a cohort of 143 organizations receiving $5.6 million in grant funding focused on community-based efforts to help this new population transition into the U.S. The partnership will reflect diverse ways community organizations are stepping up or expanding efforts to support the resettlement process, including providing translation services, securing housing, finding employment, and helping children enroll in schools. Collectively, these efforts will mobilize more than 10,000 volunteers to help over 45,000 Afghan newcomers.

“We are ecstatic to join such a robust effort to welcome our Afghan allies into the U.S. and assist them in finding career pathways,” said Rebecca Neuwirth, Executive Vice President of Upwardly Global. “We know that this is a population with education and professional training that has supported U.S. military forces and humanitarian organizations for years; they bring that experience to the U.S. workforce as well, which will benefit our communities and the greater economy.”

Since last August, more than 75,000 Afghans have arrived in the U.S. and relocated from military bases to over 140 communities. Upwardly Global is uniquely focused on ensuring that Afghan newcomers can find “thriving-wage” employment that puts financial security and upward mobility within reach, with an expected average starting salary of more than $65,000.  Upwardly Global will work with its community of employers and alumni to reach job seekers and help them map out a career pathway plan that is aligned with local labor market demand, positioning them for long-term advancement opportunities.

“What we know from the work of our grantees is that Americans from all corners have been stepping up to welcome newcomers across the country and are ready to expand their efforts. Our goal is to support these remarkable community organizations, many of which are Afghan American, Muslim, refugee or veteran-led, to help ensure newcomers have what they need to thrive and that our communities are strengthened and united in welcoming their new neighbors,” said Nazanin Ash, CEO of Welcome.US. “This goal clearly resonated with Americans, as more than $5.6 million was raised from corporations, philanthropy and everyday Americans in support of this effort.”

The Welcome Fund has raised more than $16.5 million since its founding in September and has distributed $14.2 million to 172 organizations supporting the arrival, housing, and welcoming of Afghan newcomers. Welcome.US is appreciative of the generous donations from the hundreds of donors to the fund, including substantial contributions from The Shapiro Foundation, the Kaufer Family Fund, The Schmidt Family Foundation, PAR Capital Management, Target, the Tripadvisor Foundation, Walmart, and United Airlines.

To learn more about Welcome.US, please visit welcome.us.

Make a donation to our Haven Fund, which provides relief to newcomers rebuilding their lives in our country.


About Upwardly Global

Upwardly Global is a national nonprofit whose mission is to eliminate employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals, and advance the inclusion of their skills into the U.S. economy.

About GoFundMe.org

GoFundMe.org, a 501(c)(3) public charity, manages and receives donations for the Welcome Fund from individual and philanthropic donors. Recommendations for potential grantees are made by the Welcome Fund Advisory Committee to GoFundMe.org, which provides rigorous fiduciary and compliance oversight; supports rapid deployment of grants; and ensures timely and transparent reporting. 

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