Upwardly Global Applauds U.S. Announcement To Accept 100,000 Ukrainian Refugees: Here’s How You Can Help With Workforce Inclusion

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The Biden Administration today announced that the United States will accept up to 100,000 Ukrainians and other displaced people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, and the U.N. refugee agency estimates 4 million Ukrainians may seek refuge in EU nations and around the world before the war is over. Refugees fleeing Ukraine have been met with care and humanitarian response that we would like to see become a standard.

Even as the international community prioritizes immediate aid for Ukrainians, we must also build up systems to support differentiated workforce inclusion for refugees, allowing refugees and their families to regain agency and independence. Doing so is critical for millions of individuals; it will also allow companies to include a diversely experienced population in their workforce. Integrating Ukrainians into new economies is important globally as well, as countries will likely be unable to provide ongoing financial support while the conflict continues.

Many refugees from Ukraine have professional backgrounds; some 60% of Ukrainian women have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Even as we wait for more details from the Biden Administration, Upwardly Global is committed to offering direct services and workplace skills to those coming to the U.S.; we have worked with over 750 Ukrainians to date through our career preparation program.

In addition, we are exploring a pilot partnership with actors on the ground in Europe to share knowledge and tools that we have gained from decades of work with immigrant and refugee professionals — as well as new and innovative tools and capabilities that we are developing now — to ensure that refugees from Ukraine get jobs at their skill level.

We have seen time and again that even when the will for immigrant and refugee inclusion is strong, the implementation is often lacking. This is a moment to ensure that together we connect good intentions and policy with good implementation and on-the-ground work. That means coordinating with employers, the government, and those engaged in workforce training, and ensuring that the voices of those impacted are centered in conversations and programs. Upwardly Global is all-in at this moment and committed to offering help.

Here’s How You Can Help Ukrainian Refugees and Support Workforce Inclusion

This is a moment for individuals, NGOs, companies, foundations, and the government to work together to help resettle Ukrainian refugees and support workforce inclusion. Here’s how you can help:

  1. DONATE: Support this effort through our Haven Fund, which is a resource for Upwardly Global to be able to provide time-sensitive response to emergent needs. If you’d like to discuss directed donations from foundations, please email Lily at lilyb@upwardlyglobal.org. Those looking to support immediate humanitarian aid in Ukraine can support other frontline groups — here are some of the big ones, and we are happy to share info on smaller grassroots groups as well.
  2. REFER: Do you know arriving Ukrainians (or other immigrants or refugees) who could benefit from Upwardly Global’s career skills program in the United States? Encourage them to apply directly to our program or connect networks that could benefit from this support by emailing Abel at outreach@upwardlyglobal.org for more information.
  3. EMPLOY: Join Upwardly Global and our network of multinational employer partners to create opportunities for Ukrainian newcomers to fill key roles in viable labor markets in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. To learn more, contact Jennie Murray at Jennie@upwardlyglobal.org.
  4. PARTNER: We welcome the opportunity to coordinate with partners working on the ground in the U.S. and Europe. Get in touch with Rebecca Neuwirth at rebeccan@upwardlyglobal.org.


About Upwardly Global

Upwardly Global is a national nonprofit whose mission is to eliminate employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals and advance the inclusion of their skills into the U.S. economy.

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