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Legislation to support Afghan allies to be reintroduced in the House and Senate NEW YORK — Upwardly Global, a leading workforce-development organization supporting professional immigrants and refugees, reaffirms its support for the Afghan Adjustment Act, a critical, bipartisan bill that would help expedite pathways to permanent legal status for Afghan

On Friday, December 2, 2022, Upwardly Global hosted a public board meeting on “How Can We Best Address Barriers to Immigrant and Refugee Inclusion.” The discussion included the state of immigrant and refugee inclusion; a case study on including internationally trained doctors in our healthcare system, including barriers and opportunities;

Uprooted from Kabul, welcomed in Pittsburgh “We left everything behind. Our careers, the city that we loved for years, my apartment, my car, everything,” says Jalal. “And then it kind of struck me — I have to start everything from scratch not only for me, but for my family.” When

Upwardly Global is proud to be featured in Changeworks from Independent Sector as a nonprofit putting “Hope, Help and Progress on Tap for 2023.” “In the new year, big plans to innovate and scale our services are on the horizon. Our job readiness program and inclusive hiring efforts already add

WARSAW — Upwardly Global is pleased to announce the launch of two free, online, and self-paced resources specifically curated to support displaced Ukrainian professionals seeking to rebuild their careers in the U.S. or Poland: Our new U.S. portal has been designed for job seekers and employers looking to train and