The Hill’s ‘Changing America’ Interviews Upwardly Global CEO Jina Krause-Vilmar

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In a recent interview with The Hill’s “Changing America,” Upwardly Global CEO Jina Krause-Vilmar responds to a recent study by Cornell University, which found systemic, long-term barriers to the economic mobility of refugees in the United States.

The study underscores the critical need for organizations like Upwardly Global, which fills a gap in a resettlement system that is structured to focus on short-term employment outcomes. The system often provides refugees with a job, but fails to create robust on-ramps to professional career pathways. In a moment when employers are facing widespread labor shortages, it is clear that we can’t afford to let refugee talent fall to the wayside.

“The reality is that I think it’s really hard for people to realize we’ve got a lot of this talent already in the United States and we’re just not tapping into that talent, because it doesn’t present itself in a way that we’re used to,” said Jina Krause-Vilmar, President and CEO of Upwardly Global.

Read the full article here: Refugees in the US can’t retain employment for long: study says | TheHill

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