Upwardly Global Launches Career-Readiness Resources for Ukrainian Professionals, Employers, and Community Sponsors in U.S. and Poland

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WARSAWUpwardly Global is pleased to announce the launch of two free, online, and self-paced resources specifically curated to support displaced Ukrainian professionals seeking to rebuild their careers in the U.S. or Poland:

  • Our new U.S. portal has been designed for job seekers and employers looking to train and hire Ukrainian professionals. Resources for community sponsors will be available soon.
  • Our new Poland portal has been designed to support Ukrainian professionals living in Warsaw; more information about our workforce inclusion initiative in Poland can be found here.


Both sites include a range of career-readiness resources such as a resume-building tool, virtual training videos, guides on soft skills and cultural norms, interview tips, and free access to online upskilling courses and other resources for the job search.  The portals have been designed to reach a wide breadth of Ukrainians, including those who are not eligible to engage with our career coaching program.

These portals build on learnings and experience from the first “rapid response portal,” which launched in October 2021 to support Afghan newcomers in the U.S. and help scale Upwardly Global’s digital tools and resources to job seekers across experience and skill-levels regardless of physical location. The portal exceeded its target of 5,000 user sessions far earlier than anticipated and has now had over 7,500 user sessions to date. 

Upwardly Global will continue to offer its career coaching program to Ukrainian professionals in the U.S. who meet our eligibility criteria. The program provides individualized and industry-specific coaching to newcomers with college degrees and English skills for finding professional work through resume-writing, interview preparation, and upskilling certifications along with career networking and employer connections for hiring. More information — along with the application — is here.

Upwardly Global is actively working to build out its individualized coaching program in Warsaw and hopes to start welcoming job seekers in the near future. In the interim, there are many resources on the portal that will be helpful for job seekers to get started.

For more information about our Ukraine response efforts globally, please contact rfishman@upwardlyglobal.org.


About Upwardly Global

Upwardly Global is a U.S.-based nonprofit focused on eliminating employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals and advancing the inclusion of their skills into the economy. Learn more at upwardlyglobal.org.

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