Upwardly Global Featured in Newsweek Article Highlighting Partnership With Standard Chartered

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Upwardly Global’s volunteer program was highlighted in the Newsweek article “Digital Platforms, Global Impact: The Transformative Role of Online Volunteering to Uplift Skilled Immigrants.”

The article — authored by longtime Upwardly Global partner Valerie Pholpituke, Regional Head of Community Impact and Engagement in the Americas for Standard Chartered Bank — explores the transformative impact of digital platforms on global volunteering efforts, particularly focusing on online volunteering’s role in uplifting skilled individuals worldwide. It highlights how digital platforms facilitate remote volunteering opportunities, connecting skilled professionals with projects and organizations in need across the globe.

“A key part of this alliance [with Upwardly Global] is talent sourcing, but it is also a way to connect our employees with coaching and mentorship opportunities for job seekers.

Many of those job seekers were already employed in the US, but in so-called “survival” positions that only meet their basic needs. What they really wanted to find were jobs within their skill set. Our partnership with [Upwardly Global] matches the skills of our volunteers with those of our job seekers. At first, however, we found that when [Upwardly Global] posted on-site trainings for a set number of people and then sought a matching number of volunteers, we would sometimes fall short. That changed when we started opening up Zoom coaching sessions or making use of MS Teams and other virtual platforms. We got so much interest that inviting volunteers for in-person, on-site trainings was no longer sustainable.

The option for online volunteering made it easier.”

By leveraging technology, online volunteering has democratized access to opportunities, allowing individuals to contribute their expertise regardless of geographical barriers. The article emphasizes the positive outcomes of online volunteering, such as skill development, cross-cultural exchange, and societal impact. It underscores the significance of digital platforms in driving social change and empowering volunteers to make meaningful contributions to communities worldwide.

Read the full article on Newsweek here.

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